In addition to behaving in accordance with our Locals Terms of Use and Community Guides, which apply to all users, Paid Creators should comply with Paid Activity Terms and this Paid Activity Quality Standards specified below.

<aside> 💡 You should publish your Paid Activity based on the rules below and you must continue to follow these standards to remain available at Locals. If a Paid Activity doesn’t meet these standards, these Paid Activity and/or your account may be restricted, suspended, or removed from Locals. Please note, that Locals from time to time may review the quality level of your Paid Activity and may optimize it for the best performance.


1. Have a lead expertise

Share your real skill with the necessary level of expertise. Be sure to make clear what qualifies you to lead this Paid Activity.

2. Propose a unique experience

As an expert, you should clarify what unique experience you have on your Paid Activity. Try to offer something unique or unavailable to the ordinary user, be sure to specify what is special about your Paid Activity.

3. Be informative

Be sure that your Participants have all information about:

4. Stay in contact

Respond to messages. Make sure you respond to participant messages quickly and accurately as possible to avoid any miscommunication and improve relations between you and your participant.

Ask for feedback. Encourage feedback from previous participants and learn from it, so your new participants will have a better experience and reduce future discrepancies.

5. Be compliant

Make sure you are compliant with the following rules: